Quizophilic Competition


Quizophilic Competition

In behalf of Maths club ‘Ganithajalika’  2022-23 of Mar Osthatheos Training College Perumpilavu, the birthday of the famous Indian physicist  Dr. C V Raman was celebrated on November 7, 2022 at Mahatma Gandhi General Hall of the college. In honor to the great personality, a quiz competition named ‘Quizophilic’ was conducted on the same day at 3:15 p.m, under the guidance of Mrs. Remya M (Assistant Professor of  Mathematics Department).

  The program was anchored  by the club member Sneha S Panakkal and Niya K Nelson. Welcome speech was given by Vindhuja.M and rules of the competition were given by Anjana T.K. The competition started with 9 teams, each containing two students. The first 2 round consisted of 5 questions each and the last round had  9 questions. Out of the 9 teams, 4 were able to compete in the second round. The last round was between two teams Pavithra Narayanan - Rashida P and  Kavya Menon - Rabiya. The first team were the winners.  The prize for the winners were distributed by the principle, Dr. Limsy John T. The programme was concluded after the vote of thanks by Anjana C R.


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